« Home | The word of the day is conduit. Why? It sounds ... » | Though extremely technical, which we know I love, ... » | To counteract my actions of snobbery, my monitor d... » | Sent by Jamie (no surprise there...) PICK UP LINES... » | I have waited this long to blog Sluggy Freelance b... » | Last season was the first time I truly watched The... » | Even though Jamie insists that this technology alr... » | This is very promising, if not utterly amazing. L... » | The following concerns a question in a physics deg... » | I wish I was back in high school for this one: Wi... »

A giant development in the world of cybernetics has occured. The first true cyborg has been created. Based on a wheeled robot design (looks like a robobiscuit), but controlled by a few neurons from an eel, the cyborg can follow or flee light and move in a circle. This does not seem like much, but the implications are astounding.