« Home | Here it is, 9:15 AM or so. If I was going to see ... » | Whoa, I just realized that I am going to Chicago f... » | Star Wars Gangsta Rap. » | I am not upset that I weigh 190lbs. I am upset th... » | Perhaps the film I'm looking most forward to next ... » | Christopher Reeve broke his leg on August 17th dur... » | The Smashing Pumpkins are on their way out, but in... » | Clean is good, a mantra I have recently accepted. ... » | I know, I know... this sporatic posting has got t... » | Finally! The FCC wants open source IM protocol. ... »

How random! Modern Humorist is a fairly funny site which I have only just discovered. Just like The Onion did awhile back, they have mentioned my hometown of Livonia, Michigan. It's buried near the bottom, so keep reading. That place is a strip mall of 100,000 people, 98% of which are white. The city is not worthy of mention.