« Home | Damnit! Lost a huge post. » | Well, that just sucked. The server side includes ... » | Ninjakitty! » | Rage Against The Machine is no more. » | According to this Daily Radar article, Dark Angel ... » | Excellent. An ISP without all of the crap: FlexNe... » | The big decision looms: Do I stick with crappy ID... » | Optobionics is sitting on the results of their ret... » | Brain Size In Premature Infants Significantly Smal... » | I guess it is working. My more frequent users sho... »

Lets try this a third time! The Michigan Daily and The State News are sharing a bit too much today. They shared articles rippping into each other: The Daily published this rebuttal to the Erin McQuinn article from October 10th. Snews published this article putting down Spartan tradition. In contrast, Snews also created a beautiful image of Ann Arbor and the culture, comparing it to a small European city. An odd assortment for the last day of publishing before the Big Game....