« Home | Well, I think it is time to change my screen name ... » | Deadlocked. » | First his arm, now his brain. Kevin Warwick is go... » | Very few of you have noticed the "MP3 of the Week"... » | I love the fact that Americans will try to make mo... » | Not sure who is the original source of this:so i'm... » | Version 6.0, LIVE. Coming next, a PHP/SQL driven ... » | Server upgrade complete! The downtime wasn't so ... » | To all 5 of you that read this site: The site wil... » | Woohoo! There might be a chance that artritis can... »

In my neverending quest for glory, I have decided to learn PHP and MySQL. Looking for more advanced tutorials for PHP led me to Webmonkey and what is probably the worst tutorial ever written. Good job, guys!