« Home | Ok, this one is coming with a BIG disclaimer: The... » | More referer goodies:chaos programmingperiod sexdo... » | It's up! More info later. » | Excellent... Akira is being rereleased. » | Recently, my musical tastes have changed. Not tha... » | The only problem with the Microsoft sites being do... » | My site is finally back online, and it should stay... » | I am beginning to think there is something wrong w... » | What a day! Here is what was accomplished: Final... » | Whoa, gotta love geek art! »

If you are a UMich student, go check out my.umich.edu, then bitch them out for not including a News service. It's in the works, and michigandaily.com was redone with the idea of serving news to my.umich specifically. I have been informed that the service will be up "some time soon", but that could be months from now.