« Home | It's the last day of class, but there is massive c... » | The weather must be getting better because I am ge... » | So, I completely formatted my hard drive again. A... » | The elusive Red Ninja! "Bad guys are for killing!" » | I hate MSU, so it feels great to have their team n... » | Puking is the best way to start your day! I got t... » | I got sick of trying to find things on the OpenBSD... » | So, I haven't bombed a test that bad since my 2.0 ... » | I hate Quark. No, I loath the piece-of-ish softw... » | So, Sat and I went to a talk with Theo de Raadt to... »

I just got the full version of Deus Ex. It's going to be a no-homework week. Unfortunately, I should have bought this next week. My second to last final is this Friday and my semester is over next Tuesday.