« Home | Two months ago, I would never have thought that a ... » | Testing posting from Mozilla... Success! » | Oh man:DisorderRatingParanoid:Very HighSchizoid:Mo... » | Hi kids, I haven't died. This weblog is all but d... » | I got farked today, farked real good... All becau... » | So, I turned 21 last weekend, and what do I decide... » | Oh god, these jokes are disgustingly hilarious (or... » | 241st! Ya know, I am not sure why my RC5 output ... » | I just found my new cell phone. I have put off bu... » | 288th! Woohoo! »

My possible classes for the Spring/Summer term: Psych 370 (Abnormal Psych), Psych 380 (Introduction to Social Psychology), Philosophy 180 (Introduction to Logic), English 367 (Shakespeare's Principal Plays), Econoomics 101 (Microeconomics), or Economics 102 (Macroeconomics). No, this is not an April Fool's joke.