« Home | Alright, Fark got me. The headline Crack found in... » | God damnit, Hasek is retiring. We better pick up ... » | One of the oldest questions in history is, "What c... » | Neverwinter Nights is out! A friend, his girlfrie... » | I saved myself $100 yesterday!I bought a fairly ni... » | The Register offers mad linkage today: Monday nigh... » | Perl is frustrating me. Stupid websites are frust... » | In my opinion, once you hit the age of 22, no one ... » | Personally, I always thought that vegetarian food ... » | And again. LiveJournal should not be used for suc... »

Note to self: stop linking to Pitchfork. There is something about the singing of a soft, little girl voice that will transfix me on the spot. It is vaguely reminescent of, what seems to be, a previous life. I cannot explain what it does to me; I feel at peace. I can close my eyes and feel that I am floating through an opaque peach sky, weightless.

Saloon is doing this to me right now. Make it hurt.