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Point of the following story: We gambled and won!

Eric's sister decided to go to Joe Vision last night to see game 4 of the Stanley Cup Finals. Since Eric is leaving for Alaska on the 18th, we have been trying to hang out as much as possible. The two of us decided to meet his sister and her friends down in Detroit.

Since we left just after I got home from work, I was starving. We both thought of what quick and cheap restaurants were on the way from Ann Arbor to downtown Detroit. One restaurant shone above the rest: White Castle! There is a White Castle at Telegraph road just off 96. Obviously, you can't go to White Castle without getting burgers, but we also caved into the novelty of Chicken Rings. They are tasty and easy to eat; the perfect food.

While there, this fairly large female bus driver asked us both "How do you keep your feet so purdy?". I said something about how my feet weren't 'purdy' and that they were also burnt from being out in the sun all day yesterday. She didn't care, as she continued to comment on our toes and heels. Foot fetish in a White Castle, I know.

Back to food: between the two of us, we had 8 burgers, 9 chicken rings, 2 orders of fries and a couple Cokes. During the first period at the Joe, my stomach was in a raging battle against said food items. I won, if only for the fact that I didn't have to poop at JLA. That is a decisive win against White Castle.