« Home | Note to self: "yellow tag" is another phrase for ... » | Things are finally falling into place:I have suces... » | Another tool for my Hack Recovery Disk: Busybox, ... » | A new project I would like to work on: A simple B... » | Wow, I'll be damned. You know how I said there we... » | Ahh, for the want of broadband at home: Hot Sna... » | Laura and I went to the Hot Snakes show last night... » | You know what sucks about 60 gig drives? Defragging. » | And I thought acid was bad:Laura's older sister Ca... » | And I thought wasps were bad:Laura works at the Sc... »

My current list of aborted projects:

Hack Check disk
Image gallery
Binary data from a MySQL database pulled by PHP

I have programmers ADD.