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As much as I hate using this page as a place to rant, sometimes it has to be done.

The first assignment for my senior design project is due this Wednesday. Basically, it is a presentation that explains the requirements of the project. In order to do the presentation, we need to have a good idea of what the project will be. Since our project was pretty open-ended, that required meeting with the client (in this case, the biomedical engineering professor). Professors are busy people, and thus he could not meet with us until today. He found an opening in his schedule and emailed us at 11:15 AM saying he was free from noon until 2 PM. None of my other group members could make it, which is understandable given the short notice. Thus, I had to meet with the professor by myself, while still extremely sick. Luckily, I was able to be partially coherent and not spray snot all over his office walls.

Since I am poor and car-less, I took the bus from north campus back to central campus after the meeting. There was one kid standing up in front of my seat while myself and the kid next to me were trying to get off the bus. I let the kid next to me get up first, then I started to stand up. When the first kid got up, the guy that was standing slid back and was directly in front of me. Without even looking above me, I stood up. I stood up directly into the guys elbow. Crack, right on top of my head. Now my leg and my head hurts.