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Homework can wait. Tonight was the Sarah Slean concert! While I was checking out other concerts, I saw that she would be playing at The Ark tonight. I knew that Jenn was a fan, so we decided to go. I had only heard a couple of her songs quite a while ago, but I figured it would be good to go to a concert anyway. I'm damn glad I went. Not only was it a good time with Jenn (and seeing Beth wasn't half bad), but the concert itself was so good it was inspiring.

I really had no idea what to expect. When a gorgeous redhead (though fake, I think) took the stage with a vivacious and humorous stage presence, I knew this was going to be good. She has a good command over the piano, ranging from full-yet-harsh wailing to soft and melodic. Her voice takes a bit of getting used to, but she has some power when she wants to use it. Her lyrics were a bit obtuse for a first time listener, but that will surely correct itself over time. Interestingly enough, her guitarist was actually the most talented person on stage. He played four different instruments total, two electrics, one acoustic and one that could only be described as an electric tweleve-string ukulele. With the help of at least 12 different pedals, he added a depth to the music that would have left the piano naked without.

All in all, a pretty kick ass show. Jenn bought her newest CD and quickly sent me MP3s of all the songs when she got home. This is definitely going into my permanent rotation.