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Ok, now I have a bit of time to talk about my weekend. Thursday, I ended up going out with Jamie and Chris. I really think we have coalesced and get along great as a threesome now. That is depressing because Chris officially moves to Chicago on Wednesday. But anyway, we had a good time. We ended up going to Scorekeepers because of the enticement of $3 pitchers of Coors Light. We were surprised to find out that before 10 PM, there were $1.50 pitchers of both Coors and Killian's. Needless to say, we finished off four of them between 9 PM and 10 PM. Since it was a Thursday, the place was packed like Chinese in the SARS treatment office. I saw at least four people that I knew, possibly more.

Friday was the Compulsive Lyres concert. I hadn't been to an a cappella concert in quite some time, even though I went often in my first few years here. The Lyres put on a great performance, as did the Friars and the Maine Steiners. Not so great was the Indigo dance team. After being introduced, they were late getting on stage, couldn't find their places, had to reorganized everything on stage and then the music problems kicked in. First, there was a boom box on stage that was used as a prop by the Lyres. For some reason, the dance team thought their music was going to be played on said boom box. First they couldn't figure out how to turn it on, then they noticed that there was no CD in it. They looked around confused, got into their dance positions just as their music started blaring over the auditorium speakers. This was just the beginnings of their problems. Two of the girls just could not stay in sync which threw everyone off. Though there were many little kids in the audience, most of their music was about sex and filled with swearing. Needless to say, even though they were scheduled to dance during two portions of the show, they didn't return.

After the show was the Lyres after party at Colonial lanes. It was a Rock 'N Bowl night, which actually turned out to be quite fun. Jamie, Alissa, Bri and I bowled a couple of games and none of us broke 100. Somehow, Jamie found a way to bowl that required her to clench her left butt cheek for balance. Her butt was sore for days afterward. We all had fun while bowling, but things got a bit tense early in the morning.

Saturday, Chris and I hung out for most of the day. His back is pretty messed up, so we went to the doctors first. The rest of the day was spent playing video games (Tekken 4 and NWN). That night, Jamie, Zig, Eric, Matt, Kristin and I went to Charlie's and then back to Jamie's place. Things got a bit crazy at Jamie's since I ended up putting Crisco in Zig's mouth at one point. I thought it was maybe 1 AM when I finally went to bed but Jamie informed me later that it was closer to 5 AM. Whoops. Anyway, here are the pictures from that night.