« Home | Uh oh... The Dante's Inferno Test has banished y... » | Let's see, where to begin... First, the interview... » | Ok, everyone has been bugging the hell out of me t... » | Once again, I'm using this site to store infomatio... » | I graduated. More later. » | I do realize that I will be graduating in three da... » | I dreamed that I finally bought the Z. How utterl... » | Bwahahaha, the Wings got swept in the first round?... » | Don't worry, I won't be moving to Georgia anytime ... » | Today is the final day of classes for my undergrad... »

Well, it's official. I've been waiting a long time to post anything of substance because I knew a decision would be coming soon. I'm now officially a Program Manager at Microsoft on the Critical Response Team in the Mobile Devices Division.

I will probably be moving out there between the end of June and mid-July. I'm not sure yet. There is so much I want to accomplish before moving, so many people to see and say goodbye to, it's overwhelming. Today, I went car shopping. I think I found the one I want, but it's a bit pricy for someone who won't be seeing that first pay check for at least two months. I could wait, but I want it now! ::whine::