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My car has barely 2,300 miles on it and I already have to make an insurance claim. I was driving on 520 from my apartment to the good Target in Redmond. I'm following behind a Red Ford Expedition at a decent distance. Out of nowhere, I see that he is about to run over a 4'x4' piece of plywood. The SUV drives directly over it so that it goes between his wheels. The downforce air pressure from the SUV causes the wood to fly up into the air.

It flips slowly and at just the right angle so that when I PLOW into it, it is like hitting a wall. Most of the board shatters into hundreds of car-scratching pieces but one 1.5'x1.5' chunk sticks to my bumper since I'm driving 60 MPH. I pull off to the shoulder, slow down, the piece slides down and I run it over (possibly causing unseen tire damage).

I just called the insurance agent and thankfully it will be covered. Unfortunately, the adjuster is booked until next Saturday and I will have to pay my $250 comprensible deductible. Oh well, I'm not that upset. If I had bought a sports car, I would have been a bit peeved.

Here are some pictures of the damage: