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So, Katherine works in pharmaceutical sales. One of the greatest accomplishments in this field is to get one of your drugs into regular rotation at a hospital. Basically, once the drug has been accepted by the hospital, smaller practices near the hospital will pick it up. Once it's spread through one area, other hospitals may pick it up soon after. Getting a hospital to accept your drug is no easy process. A representative doctor will get drilled about all the details on a drug for hours on end in front of a huge committee. Kat's father is a cardiologist. By basically his idea, his impetus and his work, he got one of her drugs approved at the local hospital. The hospital was not in her territory, so she knew that some of the credit would naturally fall to the territory owner.

Last night after a hard day of work, she got home and checked her email. Her boss sent out an email to the entire west coast staff including her great great grandmanager. The announcement basically gave 110% of the credit to this other person and practically put Kat down! The wording of the email stated that this other person did all of the work, Kat basically helped the morning of the final presentation (implicating that she was late with the work and lazy) and gave very little credit to her father. Naturally, she was appalled. It's going to be hard to repair all of the damage that single email has done. I suggested it was time to start becoming a backstabbing, credit-grabbing bastard like the rest of her coworkers.