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Weekend update:

Friday turned out a bit differently than I originally expected. I knew that Kat was leaving for a business trip on Sunday morning and that she would be pretty busy getting ready on Saturday night, so I planned on seeing her. Around 7:30 PM, Mark called and said that he was going out to some bars downtown with Dan and some friends. I figured that Kat, Jeff, Russ and I hadn't been out drinking in awhile so I thought we could all get together. Well, all the stress of trying to close on a new townhome, stress of work and stress of trying to get ready for a week-long business trip caught up to Kat. She decided that I should just go out with the guys and have fun. No way! If this was probably the last night I would get to see her for a week, of course I was going to try to see her. I basically had to convince her to let me come over and that I would go out with the guys afterward. We had a fairly quiet night at her place and I tried my damnest to wash away some of her stress. By the time I got back to my apartment, Russ was sound asleep and Mark never called me to say where he would be downtown. That ended that night.

Saturday was a bit more productive. I figured that I wouldn't be able to see Kat at all, so I was going to tackle some Christmas shopping. Before I got started with that, Jeff and I grabbed lunch at King and I, a Thai restaurant near his apartment. Not too bad, but their take on "3 star" spicy was definitely including White Man Penalty and was thus fairly mild. I then headed over to the local mall and spent a good three hours shopping. I was looking mostly for gifts for my parents but I seemed to find more gifts for myself. Not surprising.

Kat called me soon after that saying that she was mostly ready for her trip and that we should hang out for a bit. We originally decided to grab coffee some place, but by the time we actually got around to leaving her place, it was dinner time. She felt like Mexican, so we started off toward Fremont since she knew of a fairly authentic restaurant out that way. Traffic over the bridge to Seattle was horrendous, so we turned back to Bellevue. We hit Spazzo, which recently changed from Mediterranean to Italian. and had a fairly nice meal. The wine was better than the entrees and the goat cheese appetizer was served with bread that was impossibly hard and terribly over-soaked in olive oil. All in all, a nice evening, as most are with her!

Today was completely lazy... I didn't do anything productive until 3 PM, unless you count making eggs for breakfast and playing an hour of Grand Theft Auto III as productive. Russ and I visited Caffe Ladro so I could read more of The Brothers Karamazov and he could study for accounting. It was good going out with him since we spend so much time in the apartment.