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Kat and I had quite a relaxing and enjoyable weekend, if I may say so myself. Originally, we had planned to go to Dahlia Lounge for dinner on Friday, but we both had a hard week and figured we wouldn't be up for such a nice dinner. Instead, we ended up going to Wasabi Bistro and had some of the best sushi available in Western Washington. We tried two of their signature rolls, the Spicy 101 and the Belltown. Other than an overabundance of mayo on the Spicy 101, the meal was great. Kat had a craving for edamame and that was satisfied by the complementary bowl served with every dinner.

Much of Saturday morning was spent lounging around my apartment, but it was definitely not a waste of time. Much of the afternoon was spent at Starbucks: Kat doing work, me just playing around on the internet. That evening, we made the first meal in her new townhome. We made spinach and cheese ravioli, fresh bread and a mixed greens salad. All in all, very enjoyable. Before we could make dinner, however, I had to put together the table and chairs we would need to eat off! I've gotten pretty good at putting together Ikea furniture, so it didn't take too long.

Sunday saw me fighting with my server for a good part of the afternoon and then having dinner at Kat's parents. We played a dominos game called Mexican Train and then had a lovely filet dinner. Her dad and I did most of the talking, but I think everyone enjoyed themselves.