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My parents were here for a week during the holidays. There aren't too many highlights, since we decided to keep the vacation relaxing. We didn't want it to be one of those vacations where you have to keep to a schedule and cram in as much as possible. They didn't even go to the Space Needle! Some of the places we did end up going were Snoqualmie Falls, Pike Place (NOT a good place for someone in a wheelchair) and a casino in Tulalip. Other highlights include me making five batches of scones, cooking Christmas dinner and then Kat meeting my parents on the last night they were here. I believe it was beneficial to have them out here, for both parties. For thier sake, they got to see how I am living my life and meet some of the new people in my life. For my sake, I got to see them for a little while in the comfort of my own home without having to break much from my normal routine.