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Ok, so I updated the moblogging gallery without posting. Bad Mike. Here is a rundown of the updates:

Katherine in her natural habitat, Starbucks.

A store called "Lovers Package" in Redmond. Lovely.

Jamie, killing time at the airport since NWA forgot to fly out my luggage.

The Jimmy John's menu. A work of art.

The Jimmy John's menu and Alissa. Dual works of art.

Megan looking as holy as ever.

My second favorite mexican wrestler.

Emily Lahtinen, an old girlfriend that I ran into on a recent trip back to Detroit.

I wonder what movie they are going to see?

Crappy suit? Check. Old-model Porsche? Check. Talking on a cell phone at all times? Check. Sleazy lawyer? Of course.

Joe at Amer's.

Leah at Amer's.

Yes, that shirt says "If it has tits or tires, it's gonna' give you trouble!" Yes, I saw that in public at the airport.