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I really shouldn't be posting right now as I should be working on the SEVEN specifications I have to write in the next few weeks. I'd tell you more, but then I'd have to make the internet sign an NDA and I just don't have time for the paperwork this week.

Anyway, during the daily Jeff-and-Mike lunch extravaganza, something a bit humorous happened. Jeff and I have a pretty set list of restaurants we go to (Quizno's, Qdoba, Chipotle, Ribeye, Nasai Teriyaki, Red Robin, Matt's Famous, Arby's, Taj Palace, Yen Ching, etc) and some of the places have started to remember us. Today at one of the usuals, my order number was 29. The cashier said "29, close to 30... are you over 30?". I had remembered from a previous conversation that she said she had been out of school for 10 years and just got her degree last year so I assumed she was about 30 though she looked not a day over 21. My response was "No, a bit lower", giving her a thumbs down motion.




"Nope, lower."

At this point, she just looked at me, scared to give another incorrect answer. I held up two fingers, said "23" and transitioned to three fingers. She was quite flabergasted and made some commented about how I looked so much older while she looked so much younger saying that people don't think of her as a day older than 20, 19 even!

Funny stuff.