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Car update: I'm getting better at the manual seeing as I haven't stalled yet today (a first!). I've had some compliments including about the exhaust note. I'm happy. I'm really started to get used to the upgraded audio. The bass response is pretty cool and there is a fairly slick steering column (not steering wheel) based audio controller. I will probably take a picture of it when I do a full photoshoot later. Basically, it is stalk sticking out from the lower left area of the steering column. It has a two-way switch for station seeking (while in radio mode) and track seeking (for CD mode), two buttons for volume control and a single button for mode which will switch between presets for radio mode and will switch CDs for CD mode. I'm getting used to using it.

sounds cool/interesting. please take pictures this time, and don't keep putting it off like you did with the camaro! glad to hear about no stalls, it's a good time to start improving (on a fresh tranny).


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