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This season of inline hockey is going pretty well. I'd show you our standings but the website we use is password-protected for team members only. That doesn't mean I can't copy and paste!

HT Floorburn (4) vs Moe's Tavern (0)
HT Floorburn (3) vs Flying Weasels (1)
Moe's Tavern (3) vs HT Floorburn (3)
HT Floorburn (2) vs HT Swat the Puck (11)
Flying Weasels (0) vs HT Floorburn (5)
HT Floorburn (7) vs Moe's Tavern (5)
HT Floorburn (7) vs Flying Weasels (4)

So we are 5-1-1, which isn't bad! The only problem is, Swat the Puck has picked up a few amazing players (AKA they don't belong in our league) so I doubt we will have any chance against them in the playoffs. Also, we play against them three more times in the remaining five games! I have a feeling we are going to end up 7-4-1 for this season... Oh well, I've been playing fairly well this season as I have two hat tricks in a row. I just need to learn to control the puck a bit better and I think I might be able to play in the next higher level.