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It looks like Ford's WRC '05 season is completely shot now:

Peugeot Signs Markko Martin

Written by: RACER staff London, UK – 9/9/2004

Markko Martin has signed to drive for Peugeot in next year’s World Rally Championship, Autosport reports. While no official announcement has been made by the French team or Martin, it is believed that a deal has been agreed that will give the current leader of the Ford works rally team joint No. 1 status with Peugeot’s current team leader, Marcus Gronholm.

Ford was widely expected to lose its top driver due to an expected cut in its WRC budget, if not outright closure of the team, for 2005. Martin had also been in discussions with the works teams of Citroen and Subaru.

This, tied with the fact that Ford did not renew Duval's contract, probably means there will be no Ford WRC next season! Sigh.

someone had better sign duval; he is the only reason i even watch the damn rallies. those eyes... that french accent...

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