« Home | BMW 6 Series rice. Expensive rice, but still, unb... » | Well, a momentous day has arrived. Both of my hor... » | First, Blogger was down so I couldn't post at all.... » | First, Blogger was down so I couldn't post at all.... » | This was a good Car Weekend™.Let's start with the ... » | A weeks paid vacation to Puerto Rico? Staying at ... » | What is it with me and binary odometers?2003 Ford ... » | Chris Rock on relationships (this is directed at n... » | Story of a JGY Customs Rip-Off: Unbelievable. Th... » | SILENCE! Silence of the Lambs: The Musical - by Jo... »

The Car Lounge Forums: Soccer moms! O'man!!: I hope the link stays up for awhile because this is absolutely hilarious. The best quote by far is "We're not going to go down there and enforce your western bacon cheeseburger."