« Home | So, our hockey game this week was reschedule from ... » | I just donated $200 to the Red Cross. Have you do... » | Holy hell. California has just upped the ante whe... » | Wash: NXTClay: Sonus w/ Poor... » | The SVT has hit 15k miles so I had a few inspectio... » | Having to park my car outside has finally taken an... » | Hmm, this technique didn't turn out quite as cool ... » | Sweet, I just upgraded my home server to Apache 2.... » | Motorola Moto Q Yes! They have finally announced... » | This is why I will (probably) never have another C... »

Know of any idiots that have curbed their wheels and want a cheap fix? Try this process out!

...yeah, both of my driver side wheels are curbed, but were curbed when on the passenger side. When I had my Kumho MXs installed, I guess they decided to put those wheels on the opposite side. It's a shame, since I'm now more likely to curb the clean wheels...