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New stack time!

Before breakfast
300mg KA-R-Alpha-lipoic acid (Bulk)
1000mg Acetyl-L-Carintine (Jarrow)
225mg Ashwagandha (Jarrow)
500mg Rhodiola Rosea (Nature's Way)
1000mg Piracetam (Bulk Nutrition)
50mg DHEA (Biochem)
3 Multivitamin (Jarrow)

2000mg Vitamin C (Costco)
5mcg Vitamin D (Costco)
500mg Calcium (Costco)
500mg Fish oil / 25mg GLA / 100mg CLA (Costco)
300mg Alpha GPC (Jarrow)
120mg Ginkgo Biloba (Jarrow)

Before lunch
300mg KA-R-Alpha-lipoic acid (Bulk)
500mg Acetyl-L-Carintine (Nature's Way)
250mg Rhodiola Rosea (Nature's Way)
500mg Piracetam (Bulk Nutrition)

2000mg Vitamin C (Costco)
5mcg Vitamin D (Costco)
500mg Calcium (Costco)
500mg Fish oil / 25mg GLA / 100mg CLA (Costco)
300mg Alpha GPC (Jarrow)
800mg Garlic (Jarrow)

Post workout
90g Custom mix (40% whey, 35% dextrose, 25% maltodextrin) (True Protein)

Do you even need any food anymore? :)

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