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Heh, I was just kidding, folks. I did end up going to see Phish!
The lot crowd before the show was a bit melancholy, which was most definitely caused by the combination of planes roaring directly overhead every two minutes and the slight amount of rain. Once everyone got inside, the mood was dramatically lifted, mostly because we were no longer cold and wet. Here is the setlist:
Set I (0:53): Come On Baby Lets Go Downtown > Moma Dance, Frankenstein, Halley's Comet > Fee, Stash

Set II (1:12): Birds of a Feather, Tweezer> NICU > Scent of a Mule, Fast Enough for You, Piper > Character Zer0

Encore (0:09): Sleeping Monkey > Tweezer Reprise

Short first set, eh? The reason: GLOWSTICKS. People throwing hundreds of glow sticks all over the arena is a cool effect in the dark smoke-saturated environment. People throwing glow sticks at the stage, at the band -- not good. We probably missed out on two songs because of it. Most people knew something was wrong at intermission. The arena crowd created a cacophony after the second set which was probably the ONLY reason why Phish did an encore. The crowd really did not deserve it. Thus, we got two songs, and the band bowed and ran off stage. Dodging glowsticks. Again. Bastard phans.