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*SPANKED* That is all there is to it. Java final: spank. Anatomy lab practical final: spank. Neither of those exams went well, to say the least. To make matters worse, the exams were set back to back: Java final from 6-8pm, Anatomy lab final from 8-9pm. The fact that the exams were 2 miles apart also caused a problem. Add in the "snow" factor, the "buses running late" factor, and the "my ride never showed up" factor, and you have a cold, late Mikey. I got to the lab practical just in time to start, without instruction. Luckily the lab format was "here is a hacked up animal-like thing; what is this inordinately small object inside the carcass?" or "don't tell us what *that* object is, but tell us what it is related to in this other hacked up carcass". Hey, all that matters is that I am done.