« Home | Snoop Dogg does porn. Surprised? » | The pictures within this article couldn't be bette... » | CNN thinks these little robots are gonna change th... » | Also, if you are a UMich student, go check out the... » | If you are a UMich student, go check out my.umich.... » | Ok, this one is coming with a BIG disclaimer: The... » | More referer goodies:chaos programmingperiod sexdo... » | It's up! More info later. » | Excellent... Akira is being rereleased. » | Recently, my musical tastes have changed. Not tha... »

ARGH! NASA Shuts Down X-33, X-34 Programs. I could care less about the International Space Station (Alpha) and now NASA scraps the reusable rocket designs. I was DROOLING over these designs (three different times on this weblog alone: Feb2000, Mar2000, and Oct2000). Time to start building my own...