« Home | Very unique, as web comics go: When I am King. I... » | We have all noticed that movies suck this year. M... » | Oh man, this is great! Okay, any of you that lis... » | Well, another semester ends as does the era of ano... » | I just got the full version of Deus Ex. It's goin... » | It's the last day of class, but there is massive c... » | The weather must be getting better because I am ge... » | So, I completely formatted my hard drive again. A... » | The elusive Red Ninja! "Bad guys are for killing!" » | I hate MSU, so it feels great to have their team n... »

So, Blogger has been eating my posts ever since I moved the website. I made that move right around the time of that April 28th post. The move was from the server stuck between two dressers in my bedroom (fireball) to the new 1U server in the server room at the Daily (queen).