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Hmm, even though it looks down right now, here are some examples from an IRC quotes page:

<Chirako> You know what cereal is really nasty?

<Chirako> Gravy Train.

<Chirako> It's like, these little hard pieces of bran and crumbly beef flavored crap. You pour water over it, and it gets soggy and makes gravy around it.

<Disco_Ernie> Chirako..that's...dog food..

<Chirako> It was NOT dog food!

<Chirako> Mommy wouldn't feed me dog food!

* Chirako looks at Mommy


<Chirako> IT'S DOG FOOD!

<Chirako> http://www.gravytraindog.com/


<Chirako> She's always been obsessed with me eating dog food... >_<

<Chirako> When I was little, she told me the Jerky Treats were real jerky, and I kept eating the whole bag

* Chirako gags

<Chirako> If there's one thing dogs love, it's rich,

<Chirako> beefy gravy. That's why every nugget of

<Chirako> Gravy Train is basted in real beef juices.

<Chirako> Just mix it with warm water, and you can

<Chirako> give your dog a warm homestyle meal,

<Chirako> dripping with the delicious gravy he loves.

* Chirako graons

<Chirako> Oh, man.... I'm gonna kill her

<Disco_Ernie> At least Chirako will have:

<Disco_Ernie> Healthy skin

<Disco_Ernie> Glossy coat

<Disco_Ernie> Strong teeth and bones

<Disco_Ernie> Builds and maintains body tissue

<Disco_Ernie> Efficient digestion

<Disco_Ernie> Clear eyes

<Chirako> ..I should have known.

<Chirako> She NEVER makes me breakfast

<stank> guys.. i went out tonight.

<stank> i pretended to be a normal college student.

<stank> and i stood uncomfortably on a porch with a bunch of people i don't know.

<stank> but then i ran into bill and will, who were pretending in the same way.

<stank> so we talked about networks and i felt better.

<Dane-lo_brown[DJedi]> I got in trouble in school cause my Espanol teacher asked what architecture we learned from the latinos and i said cardboard boxes

<Paradox> So, guys, I have some news.

<Paradox> I know I usually don't talk much about stuff unless it's solid, but this is interesting, and I think you should know.

<Paradox> I just got an E-mail about an interesting proposition. * volsung_ perks up.

<Paradox> Apparently, there are lesbians that want my 'hard cock.'

* volsung_ flips Paradox the bird.

<volsung_> :)

<Paradox> They want it 'now,' apparently, so the timetable is somewhat limited.

<volsung_> Are you going to just take their offer as presented, or is there an opportunity for negotiation?

<Paradox> I'm not sure.

<volsung_> I'm sure your hard cock is in great demand. An exclusive deal might not be in your best interest.

<Paradox> Last time I got an offer like this, there were some catches.

<andy> moo spelled backwards is moo

<andy> no wait

<SDHawk> I tried to go to dictionary.com, but I can't spell it right.

<knobsthebear> How the hell did Korea find time between StarCraft and Diablo II to make it this far into the World Cup?