« Home | Well kids, yesterday was the 4th of July and what ... » | I finally broke down and signed up for the A+ hard... » | Music makes me cry and I can't help but smile when... » | I finally broke down and decided that my Ann Arbor... » | I might be selling my laptop soon. (Thanks, but I ... » | There just might be a chance for the rest of the W... » | I just found them so they aren't going on the side... » | Note to self: stop linking to Pitchfork. There i... » | Alright, Fark got me. The headline Crack found in... » | God damnit, Hasek is retiring. We better pick up ... »

I just renewed bibik.org at godaddy.com. Why godaddy? Register.com was charging $35/year, godaddy is charging $9/year. The domain expires on the 17th, so here's to hoping that the transfer goes through in time. Otherwise, I wouldn't be surprised if I have to find a new domain! Bibik.org, bibik.net, bibik.com and bibik.biz (yeah, don't ask me) are all taken. mikebibik isn't taken in any form, but I don't want anything so specific.