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I would like to thank IBM for having such a crappy online ordering process that I have decided to buy from a different company. I would have purchased an IBM Thinkpad R, but whenever I would try to pick the parts I wanted, the price would always be "NA". Maybe that means they are sold out of Thinkpad Rs, but they could have told me in a better fashion.

Because of this set back, I might just buy a laptop from Compaq. If someone had told me last week that I was going to get a Compaq, I would have laughed my ass off. Instead, I have fallen in love with the Compaq Presario 900. As of right now, it is looking like I will be getting these specs:
  • Mobile Athlon XP 2000+
  • 256 MB 266MHz DDR
  • 30 gig hard drive
  • 8x DVD drive
  • 14.1" XGA Display
  • Built-in 56k modem and 10/100 NIC
The laptop is a bit beefier than my last one (1.5" thick and 6.8 lbs), but it shouldn't be a noticeable difference.