« Home | So, Katherine works in pharmaceutical sales. One ... » | So, I decided to add a car to my list: The Porsch... » | My apartment complex is comprised of four seperate... » | I no longer like investing. MSFT posts improved e... » | Hmm, factoring in employer contribution, my 401k c... » | As of today, Windows Mobile powered Smartphones ar... » | BBC Top Gear: "I'm told that on a track, any track... » | My god, look at the travel on this suspension! Th... » | Seems like fall in Seattle (taken from my balcony). » | Oh, yesterday's flag football game? We lost, 52-7. »

Bullets of Importance™:

  • Michigan is now first in the Big Ten and in the top 10 in the nation (story)
  • Microsoft has partnered with IBM for the processor for the next Xbox (story)
  • The Green River Killer will plead guilty to 48 counts of murder (story)
  • On a much less grisly and much more important note, Kat turns 24 today!