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Damnit, Zig! You had to go out and get an M3, making me change my car chart. I guess it is sort of redundant to list who is best at each category since you took 'em all! As a side note, congrats to Jenn who is about to pick up her WRB WRX.

Car Owner HP 0-60 1/4 mile 600 ft slalom 60-0 braking
SVT Focus Mike 170 7.4 15.4 66.8 119
Impala Kat 200 7.6 15.8 62.1 130
WRX Jeff/Jenn 227 6.1 14.5 65.4 123

congrats to me! la la la! ::hyperventilate::

d00d, if you can afford the m3, you must DO IT NOW. that is one sexy bitch.


I just bought a car two months ago and thus I'm trying desperately to be happy with what I have. Of course, I will probably offload this car in about a year for whatever suits my fancy then. The new (E90-based) M3 won't be available for awhile (probably MY '07) so maybe I will wait for that.

BMW famously underquotes 0-60 times. M3 Coupe clocks 4.7sec, cab around 5.2 on a good day. The next M5 is currently quoted at 4.7 so I would anticipate real street times threatening 4sec flat.

Well, the numbers I collected were mostly from Motor Trend with a little randomness tossed in to fill in the holes. For example, people have gotten 5.7 seconds for the 0-60 on the WRX but the common value is 6.1 seconds.

In that event, Motor Trend is either:

- Running the cars in the Rockies,
- Running the cars in Phoenix in July,
- Shifting talentlessly,
- Letting the wheels smoke up a bit, or
- Plagarizing the manufacturers' numbers.

Some manufacturers embellish 0-60 times, too. CTS-V is a great example - no one has come even close to GM's claimed run of 4.6sec, which suspiciously is 0.1sec quicker than the M3's commonly-accepted figure.

hey, where's my '97 saturn SL2?


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