« Home | It looks like Ford's WRC '05 season is completely ... » | Just because I went through all of the calculation... » | The pictures of the damage to my bumper are finall... » | It's that time again! I have six GMail invites up... » | Kat's townhome (where I'm currently living) is bei... » | I'm such a dork; I just applied for and received t... » | Flame Warriors: The illustrations are cute but th... » | GRRAARRRGGGHH. My disdain for America has grown ... » | Why can't a brotha hit up a little Kazaa (lite, of... » | Spamusement!: Take a look at "Tiny teen takes on ... »

I am still amazed whenever I use my Bluetooth on my phone to connect my laptop to the internet. Well done, Windows Mobile, the Bluetooth consortium and the Windows XP SP2 team!