« Home | Anything worth having is hard to keep. » | Dream Job Versus Reality (Why)Growing up, I didn't... » | Haha, doing the usual, listening to WOXY at work w... » | I find it mildly unsettling that the scent on whic... » | I can't help but comment on the new iPhone. We al... » | Please note, this should not be taken as disparagi... » | Ignore me.Winter profiles have a lot of depth to t... » | Since the age of 12, I have weighed less than 180 ... » | Occasionally, during a bad day at work, I would ge... » | Random Zune thoughts: Is it a requirement to use t... »

Just FYI, a few changes have kicked in for my life:

  • Quit Microsoft, started working at Intrinsyc on Soleus
  • Kat and I broke up
  • I moved to downtown Seattle
How does this affect you? If you're in Seattle, I should have more free time. If you're outside of Seattle, come visit! My 1BD apartment is huge.