« Home | The cause of my insane tire wear was pinpointed to... » | The horribly uneven wear on my tires I was talking... » | I still hate Kate Bush. WOXY just had to play Ae... » | Very few components matter as much as tires on a p... » | New stack time!Before breakfast300mg KA-R-Alpha-li... » | Photo album, comments, and blogging all in one sys... » | I just wanted to say hi to all of the lurkers out ... » | "..traveling along a learning curve starts from a ... » | Random quotes for today:Adapt or perish, now as ev... » | I've never set tire on a racetrack and I've never ... »

Never, I repeat: never, accidentally double-dose a powerful thermogenic. I'm currently bug-eyed, completely over-amped, jiggling in my chair and it feels like I'm generating enough heat to melt my desk.