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I have no shame. A few days ago I was looking for emulators on the web. Finding a free Gameboy emulator proved almost impossible but I found a Java Gameboy emulator. Other than the lack of sounds, it is quite amazing. I started Java programming (Java, Java servlets, and JavaServer Pages) recently, and the code to the emulator is understandable and clean. As with most applets, don't try to run it on a Mac; it crashed IE 5. The next discovery was the No$ (no cash) emulator. With a name like No$, I am thinking free. Five minutes into playing Pokemon, the game quits and the program pops up with "Pay us or you only get 5 minutes of playing at a time!!". Bastards. Didn't I say I had no shame? Well, yes, the only reason I wanted these emulators was to play Pokemon! And play Pokemon I have! I have put over 8 hours into Pokemon Silver in the past three days. Does that mean I found a free emulator? No, but I found a way to circumvent the No$ 5 minute rule... Want a copy? Come and get it.