« Home | I've never been called a racist in my life, nor do... » | So, I have to get up before 8 AM in Ann Arbor for ... » | ::Gasp, choke:: Cant.. breathe... stinking pil... » | Update to the previous post (OpenBSD): OpenBSD 2.... » | Update to the previous post (Java): In the past 6... » | Update to the previous post (Pokemon): The reason... » | I have no shame. A few days ago I was looking for... » | So, Blogger has been eating my posts ever since I ... » | Very unique, as web comics go: When I am King. I... » | We have all noticed that movies suck this year. M... »

'Don't you just hate it when you're using Instant Messenger and you go to type "yeah" and what really comes out is "yeha," like you're a big cowboy or something? I hate that. ' - Adam Kempa