« Home | Update to the previous post (Java): In the past 6... » | Update to the previous post (Pokemon): The reason... » | I have no shame. A few days ago I was looking for... » | So, Blogger has been eating my posts ever since I ... » | Very unique, as web comics go: When I am King. I... » | We have all noticed that movies suck this year. M... » | Oh man, this is great! Okay, any of you that lis... » | Well, another semester ends as does the era of ano... » | I just got the full version of Deus Ex. It's goin... » | It's the last day of class, but there is massive c... »

Update to the previous post (OpenBSD): OpenBSD 2.9 has been released. My server at home and all the servers at work are now using it. So far, I haven't noticed much of a change. I guess they were all working so well with 2.8 that they can't get much better! Most people say that the greatest change is the use of soft updates in the FFS filesystem. Nothing is terribly IO intensive on these servers, so no changes have been noticed...