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Sick of spending most of my days just trying to find something to keep myself busy, I have decided to get some certification. The first one will be A+, which most people think is a joke. I figure I can get this certification with no training. It covers basic hardware skills and DOS/Windows skills. The hardware portion is as basic as "Is this a power supply or a video card?", but gets a bit more difficult with "Is this RAM chip ECC or not?". What they call the Operating Systems Technology is just an overview of DOS/NT/Win9x/Win2K. The OS exam covers basic Windows installation, troubleshooting and networking. If I can't pass these tests, my legacy as a failure will go down in history. If (once) I pass these exams, I will try my hand at something actually difficult. Too bad there isn't a generic sysadmin exam. There are exams for linux sysadmin, Redhat sysadmin, Solaris sysadmin, and AIX sysadmin. If there was a BSD sysadmin cert, I would be all over it.